Mike Defensor’s Caper

August 9, 2008 § 1 Comment

Gloria’s bright-haired boy Mike Defensor is on a roll today. Yesterday, he bagged a US$ 150 MILLION contract to exploit the natural resources of Zambales. “Nothing irregular,” says the former student activist-turned-influence peddler-turned turncoat. ” I’m not in government anyway.”

He might be right, says Senator Francis “Cheez” Escudero, Mike’s long-time friend and compatriot in the pseudo “Spice Boys” of the 12th Congress. Yet, Cheez says, the people might not view this as something good, since it smacks of bad taste.

The Black and White Movement (BWM) already gave a thumbs-down to Defensor since days ago, he was the Task Force head of the opening of Naia 3. Nothing bad, again says Defensor. He resigned from that post before he signed this exploitation deal with the Chinks.

Well, I’m not surprised with the nonchalant way Mike answered this issue. Mike has lost whatever principles he had when he compromised himself with Gloria. For Gloria and her gang of evil men, there’s nothing wrong with something done within the bounds of the law. Mike did’nt violate any law, so quo vadis?

What escapes Mike’s mind is the fact these malicious things being thrown at him, among them, the insinuation that he bagged the contract because he’s Gloria’s man. Hey, nothing wrong with that either, I imagine Mike saying, this is just business. All business.

This is why Filipinos hate this administration so much. As what New Philippine Revolution wrote many entries ago, these men who governs with Gloria already lost that prime Filipino value of “hiya”. They already sold their souls to the highest bidder, that is, these Chinese. Mike and the rest of Gloria’s crew don’t care if they sell every mountain, every valley, every river, every stream, or even every Filipino for as long as it “does’nt violate any law”.

I can’t really blame Mike for doing what he did. Gloria’s a goner. She’s on the eve of her power. And she might lose it before 2010. So, Mike and the rest of the gang will stop at nothing to get themselves rich beyond measure.

Poor Filipinos! They are being sold by these guys to the Chinese and in the future, to the Americans and the Middle Easterners. Before, it’s just the Singaporeans and the Malaysians. 

Time to sharpen our shears. The time is ripe for the harvest.

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